Men's Full Body Short Sleeves Front Hook & Eye Adjustable Closure - MFS
210,00 210,00 210.0 USD
MFS - Offers three levels of compression that adjust tighter as swelling is reduced.
Step 3: Men's Full Body Suit - MF3
190,00 190,00 190.0 USD
MF3 - Sized smaller to deliver the additional compression and support needed to maintain your new contoured shape
Step 2: Men's Full Body - MF2
196,00 196,00 196.0 USD
MF2 - The front hook and eye designs adjust smaller to deliver up to 20% more compression as the swelling reduces. As patients adjust to their newly contoured bodies and continue to reduce in size, Step 2 garments help achieve optimal results. Can be worn 1 week after surgery.
Step 1: Men's Full Body Suit - MF1
202,00 202,00 202.0 USD
MF1 - Designed with Dual Side Zippers for easy donning and accessibility to maintain incision draining pads and delivers the right amount of compression for immediate post-op recovery. Can be worn directly after surgery.